My sweet Bo functions best with a routine. So he has devised his own little schedule, which now the whole family follows each morning and it works wonderfully. Instead of hopping in the car we now can walk leisurely through the neighborhood, down Calle 20 de enero, to the bus stop on Sterling Dickinson. The tortilleria is cranking up the machine so the smell of corn is in the air. The juice lady has her big cups of freshly squeezed orange and carrot juice out on her card table. And the white roof dog on the left side going downhill lunges and growls as he does every day. It's a really nice, mellow start to the day (in spite of Satan). Herewith, Bo's little list, and photos from a Friday morning.
6:40am: Wake up. Take 10 min. shower. (Which, actually he hasn't done yet. Like their mother, none of my kids like to shower. Works out well with the water bills.)
6:50am: Get dressed in 5 min.
6:55am: Come downstairs.
7:00am: Make and eat breakfast.
7:15am: Collect items/homework/lunch. (The groovy school they attend has a no-homework policy so that actually saves some time on the 7:15am slot.)
7:20am: Brush teeth and apply sunscreen.
7:25am: If time, read.
7:30am: Leave for bus stop.
Heading down the road to the bus stop. Mason is our scout. He runs ahead to see if the bus is waiting, If so, he gives us the signal--waving his hands over his head-- and everyone flies pell mell downhill. Redd has wiped out a few times.
So many parents at Los Charcos have these fantastic tattoos. Here's Morgan, with the great leg work. Sam and I are getting wedding bands.
After we leave the kids we follow the sounds of drumbeats, which we've been hearing since early this morning. It leads us to the jardin (the main square). It's the Feast of the Conquistad ors, the first Friday every March. This from the San Miguel Tourist publicatio n: Look for Indian danzantes to be dancing in front of the Parroquia from dawn until dusk Friday, March 5. The traditiona l dancers are honoring El Señor de la Conquista, a statue of Christ housed in the Parroquia that was carried into battle by friars who came to San Miguel to convert the rebellious Chichimeca . People who enter the Parroquia this day say 33 prayers, one for each of the years of Jesus’ life. Scores of dancers don elaborate pre-Hispan ic costumes, replete with plumed headdresse s and other indigenous garb and perform for most of the day in front of the Parroquia.
After we leave the kids we follow the sounds of drumbeats, which we've been hearing since early this morning. It leads us to the jardin (the main square). It's the Feast of the Conquistad
For some wonderful shots of the Aztec dancers in full dress, click here:
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